Online Exam NEBOSH International Diploma

Online examination for new NEBOSH International Diploma

NEBOSH, one of the world’s leading health and safety awarding bodies, has launched an updated version of its flagship Diploma qualifications. The new NEBOSH Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals will give successful learners the knowledge and practical application they need to perform as a leading health and safety professional of the future.”

Nebosh qualifications are globally accepted and most popular among employers due to the knowledge and skills it assures for learners and Nebosh’s credible assessment process

After extensive research and wide consultation with key stakeholders, including Learning Partners, employers, Trade Unions and NEBOSH Alumni, NEBOSH launched a brand new Nebosh International Diploma . The new Diplomas have been developed in line to give the learners the skills required to be competent  Health and safety professionals of the future.  This is the apt choice for any one who aspires to make Health and Safety as their career

The new Nebosh International Diplomas for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals, launched on April 12th,2021, would replace the existing International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety.

Main Changes

  1. The Qualification Title Changed to “NEBOSH International Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals
  2. There are three instead of four assessments.
UnitsAssessment MethodologyDuration of assessment
Unit ID1- Know-workplace health and safety principlesAssignment- assignment made up of a simulation with questions based on a scenario, tasks that the learner must complete in a workplace, reflective activities and a research topic.Six Weeks (30 working Days)
Unit ID2-Do- Controlling –Controlling workplace health issuesScenario based case studyFour Weeks (20 Working Days)
Unit ID3- Do-Controlling workplace safety issuesScenario based case studyFour Weeks (20 Working Days)
  • All assessments can be completed remotely and will be accessed using NEBOSH’s online examination platform.( , do not require you to attend an invigilated examination venue. )
  • For each assessment ,you will be required to participate in a closing interview about your submitted work.

Key dates

  • Public launch of qualifications: 12 April 2021
  • Taught from: 1 June 2021
  • Assessments: The first assessment dates are below: 
 UnitRelease dateSubmission date
ID18 September 202120 October 2021
ID210 November 20218 December 2021
ID313 January 202210 February 2022

After this, each unit will have two assessment releases per year as follows.

UNITFirst ReleaseSecond Release
  • The release date refers to the date that the learner will be able to download the assessment paper and start work on their assessment.
  • The completed assessment must then be uploaded/submitted to NEBOSH by the date specified.

Transitional arrangements

In line with regulatory requirements, learners cannot use existing Diploma units (A/IA, B/IB, C/IC and DNI) towards attainment of the new specification Diplomas.

If a learner would prefer to undertake the new specification, they can do so and will be required to enrol and register for assessments via their Learning Partner (eg: Petrotech Safety Solutions Pvt Ltd) in the normal way. Enrolments may not be carried over and learners will need to pay an enrolment fee if moving to the new specification. Where learners decide to re-enrol additional support will be required from the Learning Partner to prepare them for the new assessment methodologies.

Existing learners will have five years to complete their qualification. The final assessment dates for the November 2015 specifications will be:

  • Unit A/IA, B/IB, C/IC: July 2026
  • Unit DNI: May 2026

Marks and grades

The learner has to score 50% in each paper to pass ,and the percentage marks of all three units are combined and the qualification grade is based on the following boundaries.

Distinction-226 or higher



Please contact Petrotech Safety Solutions ( ) or +919497117541 (mob/WhatsApp ) for more details and next program date.

Classes are taken by CMIOSH, CSP, CRSP qualified Tutors

For further details visit

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