Life Threatening Dangling Cables of Kerala

Dangling wires from electric poles have become a common sight in Kerala. While they may seem harmless, they are actually a significant safety threat to the public. The loose wires can easily get tangled in people and vehicles, causing damage and injury. They also pose a significant risk of electrical shock, which can be fatal.
One of the main causes of dangling wires is the improper installation and maintenance of electrical systems. Internet and Cable Operators often fail to secure the wires properly, causing them to become loose over time. In addition, frequent storms and heavy rains can further loosen the wires, making them even more dangerous.
The consequences of these dangling wires can be devastating. In some cases, people have been injured or killed after getting entangled in the wires. Children and pets are especially vulnerable, as they may not be aware of the danger posed by the loose wires. Moreover, the wires can damage vehicles, causing major financial losses.
In order to address this problem, it is crucial that the government, Internet and Cable Operators, and local communities work together to ensure that all electrical systems are installed and maintained properly. Power companies must be held accountable for securing their wires and for fixing any loose wires as soon as possible. The government should also enforce strict regulations to ensure that power companies comply with safety standards.
Local communities can play a vital role in addressing this issue as well. They can report any loose wires to the Internet and Cable Operators or to the government. They can also take steps to secure their own electrical systems and to educate their children about the dangers posed by dangling wires.
In conclusion, taking the necessary steps to address this issue, we can reduce the risk of injury, damage, and electrical shock, and help to keep our communities safe.

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