NEBOSH New Syllabus 2018 Specification

NEBOSH New Syllabus 2018 Specification

NEBOSH reviews its syllabus in line with the normal qualification development cycle. Nebosh develops the syllabus following wide consultation with key stakeholders, including Learning Partners, employers, Trade Unions, standard setting organisations, past and present learners. 

The syllabus content, following extensive research, has been updated to provide learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding required in the modern workplace.

What are the differences between the November 2014 and October 2018 specifications?

The biggest changes to the specifications are:
  • The syllabus wording is easier to understand, more direct and less formal;
  • Separated the assessment criteria from the learning outcomes;
  • Clearly set out what will be assessed by examination and by the practical;
  • Reduction of 20 hours overall (see below table);
  • There will no longer be any shared units between the NG and IG. Each qualification will be standalone;
  • The content from the previous thirteen elements of Units NGC1 and GC2 has now been combined into eleven elements.

As the structure of the qualification has changed, there has been a change in the hours. The total qualification hours have decreased by 20. The November 2014 specification has a total qualification hours of 133.

Has the grading structure for the qualification changed?

The grading has changed. A ‘Pass’ must be achieved in both units to achieve the International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.

  • Unit IG1: 45 marks
  • Unit IG2: Pass or Refer

The qualification grade is based on the result from the Unit IG1 examination. Learners need to achieve a pass in both units (Units IG1 and IG2) before a parchment can be issued. Weighting will no longer be applied to results. The qualification grading boundaries are as follows:

  • Distinction: 75 marks or higher
  • Credit: 65 – 74 marks
  • Pass: 45 – 64 marks

Has the assessment structure of the 2018 specification changed?

Yes – there will only be one examination instead of two. The examination will only assess learning from elements 1-4. The questions will be written in a clear, accessible style with a ‘plain English’ check. There will be a risk assessment that will be marked by NEBOSH. It draws on the common workplace hazard topics in elements 5-11, as well as the process of risk assessment in element 3.

When is the first date that I can sit the October 2018 specification?

The official launch date of the new specification is the 30 September 2019. The first assessment dates are from11 November 2019.

Are qualifications gained under previous specifications of the NGC still valid?

All qualifications gained under former specifications of the National General Certificates are still valid; there are no expiry dates for NEBOSH qualifications.

What is the structure of the revised IGC?

New learners taking their first assessments on or after the 11 November 2019 will still be required to take the following assessments:

  • Unit IG1: Management of health and safety (two hour written examination)
  • Unit IG2: Risk assessment and action plan (workplace based practical application).
References :

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (October 2018 specification) FAQs for Learners (v3)

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